Ubaid Rehman
3 min readJun 26, 2024


How is the Blanching effect on food commodities?


Blanching on the other hand is a cooking process that involves boiling of food for some time before submerging them in ice cold water. This procedure has the following penalties on foods, where it changes their texture, color, taste, nutritional quality and durability.
1. Color Retention:

It helps in preserving the bright colors of the vegetables. The brief boiling process inactivates enzymes that bring about browning and loss of color once the vegetables are bare to air. The following rinse in ice water helps to set the color, and makes vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, and carrots more beautiful to the eye. This is especially advantageous when it comes to the grounding of food and specifically the preparation of vegetables to be stored in the freezer since the color becomes dismal and lifeless as time passes.
2. Texture Preservation:

Blanching confirms the texture of the vegetables remain tender and crisp. The rapid heat treatment makes the cell walls become somewhat…

