Ubaid Rehman
4 min readJun 21, 2024

How does a state play a role in child rights:

The rights are very important for children will help in the growth of the child so that he or she will be a responsible human being. These rights are documented and protected through various international tools, laws and resolutions, and judicial and executive measures at the national and state levels. It is hence essential to have consciousness on these rights so as to champ for the best interest of children and for the society to understand how to begin accepting the young ones.
1. Right to Education

Education is also an elementary right of every child, It suggests that every child should be in a position to admission quality education free of charge. Education serves as one of the foundations in future preparing Virgin citing children to be active and be participative citizens. This right entails the rights to basic and required education and free primary education, as well as entry into secondary and post-secondary education chances that are likewise free. Every person should at least have some education, and the purpose of which is to have him develop into a useful member of society, owning a good personality, and talents, physical and mental donations in every child.
2. Tug of Liberty of IRSH Kashmir Right to Health & Nutrition
Cultural exact and yet international child’s rights such as the rights to health, this entails that the child should be healthy and; have the right to access health facilities. This includes some of the repetitive health promotion activities like; maternal care, immunizations, health check-ups, safe drinking water supply and balanced diet etc. Health in general includes child health and if children do not receive suitable or suitable health care then children’s death rate is certain and many children fail to grow up healthy. It is therefore the roles of the states themselves to confirm availability and affordability of such services for all children without affecting their status as SECR.
They confirm that subjects of medical research are threatened against cruelty as well as exploitation.
The following are the things that should not happen to children: Physical or mental damage: Also, the managing of any type of injury or abuse, not to mention negligence and maltreatment, not to mention sexual annoyance and child labor. People do this for protection of family, school or any other community they possibly fit too. This means that legal measures has to be implemented in a way that abuse and exploitation cannot be started and should be indicated that steps are being taken to speech the issue. These include systems for broadcasting cases of child abuse, cases of managing and presence to abused children, and any constructions that exist for the children as well as the education given to the groups on how they should protect children.
4. Right to Participation:
A child must be allowed similar and equal rights as any other citizen and be free to express him or herself on all matters that concern him or her and for the other party to take his or her view or input into thought. This right is applicable in order to establish children as players in social affairs as they are It includes freedoms for entering, conveying and expressing information and ideas and to enjoy legal rights and safeguards when presenting and defending arguments in legal issues. In this way, it confirms they get involved in its provision, as a way of development, and training them to be accountable to society and the world.
5. The right to identity or nationality:

It is essential to the exercise of civil rights and in particular the profession or occupation of a person.
This indicates that every child shall have the right to first name, surname, nationality, and to adopt, maintain or dismiss parental relationships with his or her parents or legal guardians. This right implies that the child should be joined as soon as they are born and they have a right to being recognized as a nationalist who is essential in acquiring legal care and other service provisions. It also involves the right to personal, national, and parental identity, name, and family relations or relationships not be exposed to unlawful intrusion, as intended by the law. With regard to this right; it protects children from being without a status and also enables them to effectively exercise other rights.

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